i Forgot,
no boypren boypren aaaa
No, Megan Fox is not the reason i want to watch this flick.
Though it proves that she can do it without Optimus Prime this time.
From the creators of JUNO? the movie about that pregnant teen? now they're doing a vampire movie?
Have you watched the thriller? I thought they were having Megan Fox in New Moon. Twilight much.
Oh and listen to the OST of the movie, New Perspective by Panic! at the Disco.
I was looking at this Joseph Campbell book
the other day,
and he says when you feel lost,
you should close your eyes
and think of when you were most happy.
Not thrilled.
Just deeply happy.
It's called "following your bliss".
You wanna try it?
Im in a suprisingly good mood
Your friendly neighbourhood spiderman and MJ