Why do people procrastinate?
2 days into my semester break and i'm becoming more and more attached to my bed, sofa, armchair, and anything else that i can rest my ass on..
i always tell myself to achieve something useful the day after, yet nothing happens,
since 'there's always tomorrow'
CLICHE phrase! just like in horror movies, its cliche'd that the lead actress will be a freaking hot chick who CANNOT seem to DIE, but all the musclehead guys around her all die 1 by 1, either by doing brainless daring stuff or just being too stupid to stay on in the movie...
sex sells the tickets, my friend! *cough*drag me to hell*cough*
it all comes back to haunt you eventually... No NOT horror movies, procrastinating haunts you!
Remember the major-super-duper-aweshumly-sickening HANGOVER you feel when you're at the last days of your holidays?
It SUCKS, just like my college food (Dont Ask...)
You start having flashbacks of your first day of holiday, and wishing that you could go back and do more to make yourself feel better...
thats when you go "dammmmnnnnm, i should have *blah blah blah* that time, dammnnnnnnnnnnnn" you give the longest damn for regretting what you didnt do
So with like 2 weeks in the belt, theres a number of things you can do,
yet its not enough... IRONIC isn't it? Life is always like that.
What will you guys do in 2 weeks time? TELL ME..
i hear the guys going,
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